‘Unlocking potential, inspiring success.’

Working with our Youth Coach pupils have the opportunity to discover, and experiment with, a range of transferrable skills and techniques to assist them to identify and achieve their goals.

Coaching is a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, an empowering process that enables pupils to make positive, sustainable changes to support their personal and academic growth and development.


  • Enhanced self-esteem
  • Improved awareness and self-awareness
  • Improved social and communication skills
  • Positive impact on interpersonal relationships
  • Increased positivity
  • Increased motivation
  • Awareness of the value of reflection
  • Awareness of perspective
  • Improved organisation and planning
  • Development of pro-active behaviours
  • Development of self-discipline
  • Recognition/clarity of limiting beliefs
  • Development of skills for coping with problems or obstacles
  • Ability to move out of ‘comfort zone’
  • Personal and academic growth