Message from Mrs Balfour

I have a public announcement to make… next Wednesday 26th June is HOME CLOTHES DAY for all of the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children as a big collaborative well done for their outstanding work and progress this term! I hope that the children will enjoy choosing a suitably celebratory summer outfit (but one that is comfortable and practical for school, please!). 

This week has been one of celebration and looking ahead in so many ways. The Year 2 Showcase was outstanding on Thursday. The children’s sparkle, energy and confidence made the Theatre buzz and Mr Evans, Miss Saville and I are very excited to think of these children on stage in future stage performances. Today’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic was truly special, a chance to bring Nursery and Reception children together in a spirit of sheer fun and friendship. Huge thanks to Josh Rose and his Keen Bean team for enriching Enrichment Week with go-karting, dodgeball and obstacle courses. This was a(nother) new initiative for this year and it went down a storm!

This is always a slightly strange time of year where the staff get a little thoughtful as they realise that their pupils are ready to fledge and move on. It is a sign of a job well done and the natural order of things but we find it hard to let go!  Miss Lamptey-Senior has been saying for many weeks now ‘I am going to miss my class so much!’ and Miss Duncan yesterday said that she wished that she could stay with her pupils and move up with them each year. They echo the sentiments of every Form Teacher in the Junior Department. The pastoral bonds are very strong and the interactions between adults and children are special. That said, a year ago, the staff were also coming into my office looking pensive about saying their goodbyes and just look at the journey we have all shared this year! I know that the children will lead the way into their next year groups with the confidence, sparkle and energy, showcased so brilliantly by the Year 2 pupils.

Happy Weekend and I hope to see many of you at the Ball. Thank you so much, Friends of Edge Grove!

Mrs Balfour
Assistant Head (Junior)