Performing Arts Update

Year 2 Showcase Sensations!

Wow, we are so proud of you, Year 2!

Year Two kicked off the showcase season with a themed performance centred on ‘Stepping Up.’ They delivered a heartfelt performance, singing with passion about their anticipation of moving into Year Three and fondly reminiscing about their amazing time in the Edge Grove Junior Department and all the people who have helped them along their way.

Projection… passion… energy… and INSPIRATION… they had it all. Congratulations, Year 2!

Year 2 parents can find the full recording of the performance on the Showcase Google Classroom.

We are very excited to have pupils back from their expeditions  for the rehearsals to continue next week for the Year 6 showcase and the Year 7+8 Speech and Drama Festival, and the Summer Concert which is on Monday – we look forward to seeing you there!

Stop the Press! We’re a FINALIST!

Just as the curtain was falling on our fabulous Year 2 Showcase we found out that Edge Grove is a FINALIST in the Dynamic Performing Arts category of the Muddy Stilettos School Awards 2024. 

A huge well done to everyone who collaborates to make this such a strength of Edge Grove – thank you to our wonderful instrumental music and LAMDA teachers who inspire our pupils each day to be creative, adventurous and passionate about drama, dance and music, to staff who support Performing Arts lessons throughout the School.

We are feeling incredibly proud and grateful and are keeping everything crossed for next week!

We are honoured and thrilled to co-lead this buzzing department in our beautiful school with our brilliant pupils!

Miss Saville and Mr Evans